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that we offer
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Portal Intergration
The ability to access the system from anywhere cannot be underestimated. With a portal, key daily operations can be worked on by the user using whichever device that they prefer.
ERP Training
Due to the fact that many users are tech-savvy, business managers tend to decide that their employees can learn using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on their own. Consequently, bearing in mind the myriad range of features it provides, this approach leads to users not being on the same page while learning the system on their own, which can prevent the company from seeing all the efficiencies the IT provider promised with the upgraded system and at that moment the executives blame the ERP for not perfoming as originally planned.
SQL Server Optimization
As a system ages, so does the data. It always has an implication to the overall system performance, that is both input and output of the same. The infrastructure of the system can support faster processing but easening retrieval of data by optmizing SQL server is one continous process that has to be implemented.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consulting
You may have experienced a stalemate in your decision or making on the best way forward in terms of your automation. You may have had a challenge in implementing, supporting or maximising the usage of the system. If so, worry no more, we are here to make sure that you experience a detailed system analysis that will lead to actionable steps that will focus on starting with the most urgent need to make your system usage better than we found it.